Oklahoma Educational Publishers Associations
OEPA Membership

If you are interested in becoming a member of the OKLAHOMA EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS’ ASSOCIATION (OEPA), an organization made up of sales representatives for publishers, who have adopted material in Oklahoma, please contact the secretary of the OEPA.  The contact information is listed below.  The OEPA organizes and sponsors the textbook caravans for new adoptions each year, in addition to maintaining an up-to-date list of publisher sales representatives and their contact information on the website.  The type of caravan we have each year is determined by the OEPA members.  In the past we have only held caravans for the CORE subject categories such as Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies.  There will be an amount assessed for each publisher who participates in a caravan.  That amount will be determined each year by the OEPA Members. 

The deadline for joining each year is September 1.  This will entitle you to participate in the upcoming caravan, provided you are bidding in one of “CORE SUBJECTS”, that is up for adoption in the current year.  New membership is $300 for the first year and $200 every year thereafter, provided you maintain your membership each year.  Any publisher that was previously a member and dropped out will need to contact the secretary of OEPA to find out what is needed to bring their membership to current statis.

Contact Information:

Candis Holloway, OEPA Secretary



Mission Statement
"Our desire is to participate as active and cooperativer friends and consultants to those in whoses hands rest the destiny of education in Oklahoma."
PO Box 60160
Oklahoma City, OK 73146
Phone (800) 456-2828
Fax (405) 524-5443