Ordering Publisher Samples
Oklahoma Educational Publishers Associations
Listed below are several ways to order publisher samples:
  • You may send a request to the publisher rep using the publisher directory on this website.
  • You may fill out a request when you attend the textbook caravan.
  • You may send a request to the Oklahoma depositories listing the material you would like to look at, including grade levels, and the depositories will forward your request to the publisher sales reps.
  • If you are not a “closed” school district, then you may be able to order directly from the Oklahoma sales reps as they contact you or visit your school district.


Policies Regarding Publisher Samples

How To Return Publisher Samples

Mission Statement
"Our desire is to participate as active and cooperativer friends and consultants to those in whoses hands rest the destiny of education in Oklahoma."
PO Box 60160
Oklahoma City, OK 73146
Phone (800) 456-2828
Fax (405) 524-5443